Creating an interactive table of contents in PowerPoint
Discover useful methods and strategies for incorporating an interactive table of contents into your PowerPoint presentation.
Getting started with PowerPoint morph
In this video, we will explore the basic features of the PowerPoint morph transition tool, including seamlessly morphine shapes, icons, and pictures.
Animated morph slide transition
Using the morph transition to create seamless transitions can be just as effective as using animation effects, while saving you a lot of time.
Premium content in PowerPoint
Microsoft's "premium creative content" consists of stock photography, cutout people, icons, and sticker.
Merging shapes in PowerPoint
This video explains various ways to combine and fragment shapes, and explores creative ways to make your own shapes and typography.
Word morphing in PowerPoint
Use the morph transition in PowerPoint to move words around between slides, including animating between word positions, font size, color, and family.
Animated text
Create a sophisticated way to bring background looped video playing within both text as well as shapes.
Create a zoom table of contents
Make your presentations impressive and memorable, using Zoom features in PowerPoint.
How to narrate your PowerPoint slides
This tutorial will demonstrate the slide narration interface, as well as how to save the presentation as a PowerPoint show or video.
Creating an infographic
Customize a PowerPoint slide so that you can create and export an infographic using basic shapes and designs.
Format and animation painters
The format and animation painters duplicate effects and save you both time and unnecessary clicks.
PowerPoint design ideas
Design ideas providing aesthetic and design inspiration to transform slide content.
Quick access toolbar
Creating your own customizable toolbar and will save you a lot of time and make your slide production more seamless and easy.
Psychology and Parallax in PowerPoint
Parallax is a visual effect where 2D elements on a slide are given the illusion of depth and dimension through animation.
Photo albums
Create digital photo slideshows to quickly create, organize, and adjust layouts for your digital photo album.
Minimalist entrance effect
Entrance morph transitions are incredibly quick and simple ways to create an impressive motion to grab your audience's attention.
Captions and translations
PowerPoint now captions and translates your presentation. It's easy. It's accessible. It's reaching a broader audience.
Animated anagrams
Create interesting anagram effects, animating characters and even entire words from one slide to the next.